The Smithsonian Institute has obtained a laptop owned by former IRS agent Chris Janczewski that was used to track hackers who stole 120,000 bitcoins from cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex in 2016. "This laptop is at the heart of a criminal case, and it demonstrates the evolving understanding of cryptocurrency," Ellen Feingold, curator of the National Numismatic Collection (NNC), wrote in a Nov. 18 essay titled "The Smiths."
史密森尼学会(Smithsonian Institute)获得了一台由前国税局特工克里斯·扬切夫斯基(Chris Janczewski)所拥有的笔记本电脑,该笔记本电脑曾被用于追踪2016年从加密货币交易所Bitfinex盗窃的12万枚比特币的黑客。 “这台笔记本电脑是刑事案件的核心,它展示了对加密货币的理解在不断演进,”国家钱币收藏馆(NNC)馆长艾伦·费因戈德(Ellen Feingold)在11月18日的一篇《史密...